Community Health Services & Development Officers Association is a professional association for community health in Kenya

Notice Board

Dear Members. As you may be aware, the Kenya Health Professionals Oversight Authority (KHPOA) is in the process of Registering and Licensing Community Health Professionals in the country. We have received communication from the Kenya Health Professionals Oversight Authority (KHPOA) that those who shall have not been entered into the register of Community Health Services and Development Officers Association (CHESOA) by 31st March, 2023 for onward submission to KHPOA, will not be eligible to practice in Kenya. This is therefore, to notify All Community Health Officers/Assistants and Graduates of Community Health in the COUNTRY who have not registered with Community Health Services and Development Officers Association (CHESOA) to urgently submit their details for the purposes of Registration and Licensing by The Kenya Health Professions Oversight Authority (KHPOA). The deadline for submission is 31st March, 2023 Midnight.
Click here to register



Participation and formulation of the legislative agenda.


Paybill No: 400222
A/C No: 634548#Firstname
Amount: Students(1000), Officers(2000), Institutions/ Corporates(20000).
Click here to register


With the support of Multi-stakeholder Partnerships and Kenya Healthcare Federation CHESOA has participated in events and forums in discussing Ministry of health Policy and guidelines for community health in line with the Universal Health Coverage agenda.


Participation and formulation of the legislative agenda on all matters that pertains to Community Health in the country and at the county level.


To advocate for the rights of community health professionals, mechanisms of remuneration, stipends and other forms of motivation while also creating...

Training and Capacity Building

Promote the advancement of knowledge regarding Community health services, health education and all ...

Community Health Resources

For all my needs I trust and always go back to CHESOA because they never fail me.

I had never heard of CHESOA before, however when I contracted them for my research proposal and thesis writing, I now do not know of any other research consultancy firm.

The guys at CHESOA are amazing and talented, good job keep it up.

Do you want to work with us?

We posses a strong sense of client centered satisfaction, we hope you share the same!